Most characters will be built on 400-500 points depending on points depending
on efficiency. I'm expecting fairly balanced characters that are able to
operate in a team environment.
- Aliens are not known to exist, but there are rumors that during WWII
there was a secret war between several races of aliens.
- For mentalists, see warning further down
- The team will be based in Portland.
- Bricks: Typically be 60-75 STR with 30-40 def.
- Martial artists: 6-8 speed, mid teens CVs, ~20 def
- EB: 12-15d6, more freedom of movement, high defs, but lower stats
on average
- Range mods: -1/3" (3rd edition style)
- Recoveries: Take the entire phase, and you get your recovery at
the beginning of your next phase.
- Dive for Cover
Character is up after dive if second Dex roll is made at
same minuses. If character has Acrobatics or Breakfall, no
minuses to second roll.
Multiple dive for cover (Additional -2 like blocking)
Walk for Cover - If delayed, dex roll is made and then
player can choose how far to go. (First one only though). No
roll to see if on feet needed.
- Killing attacks 3x stun mod only
- I may use Hit locations to further modify both Normal and Killing attacks
after defense. (So if 10 stun got through to the head location, you'd take
20 stun.) It's 20 points to have no locations.
- Unstun - 1/2 phase and NC maneuver (usually stand up)
If you are stunned and on the segment you are to be unstunned and
you take additional stun to be stunned, you don't get unstunned.
- Breakfall - If knocked into an object, can still make BF roll to
land on feet. Does not modify damage taken from being knocked
into object. Minuses to roll are based on how far you would of
- Flight - Multiple turns over 5 allowed.
- Damage Reduction:
Works fine vs. penetrating damage.
7/8 Damage Reduction - 60/90 points
15/16 Damage Reduction - 80/120 points
100% - 150 points; no non-resistant option
Instead of vs. ED or PD, Special Effect can be stated. Most
would include a limitation as well.
- Penetrating : +1/2 for normal penetrating attacks.
Killing attacks treated differently. The amount of body done by a
killing attack is still what one uses to determine minimum STUN.
An 3d6 KA rolls [5,6,3], you would do a minimum of 14 STUN.
For a +1 advantage, the KA would do a minimum of 4 body, 12 STUN.
- Piercing: 2 nrml, 3 res
- Hardened protects vs. AP, Penetrating, and Piercing.
Each level takes off one of each.
- Two levels AP style attacks, max.
- Regeneration
5 pnts/char pnt per turn
+2 advantage for same special effect OK, but Stun or End can
not be combined with anything else or each other.
+10 points - Regrow lost Limbs
+10 points - Regen from death
[ Common way to cancel or well known such as vampires ]
+20 points - Regen from death [ Hard to Cancel, such as Marvel Eternals ]
- Megascale : Definitely an advantage that bears watching. I toyed with
making each +1/4 an increase of a factor of five or ten from normal scale.
example: 5", 25", 125", 625"
Decided to leave as is since it needs special consideration with each.
- Grabs 1/2 move; Grab & Throw|Squeeze - Full move
- Find Weakness - No, but different constructs possible
- Desolids, T-Ports, Indirects needs semi-common stopping.
Hardened does not unless it's listed for special effects.
If special effects warrant it, a +1/4 advantage can be purchased.
- Absorption: Every hit for absorption +1
this is easily abused
- Mental powers:
For some reason I have a problem with mental characters. Perhaps
with my running a mentalist in Wilson's current game is helping,
but I'm not sure... You may be subconsciously persecuted. If you
run a character like Allen, you'll be consciously persecuted.
- Mental Entangle - Must take lim that ego def adds to Ego for
breaking out.
- Most Area Mental attacks would be non-selective or selective.
- AID - 5 pnts/die; Visible & costs End;
Loss can be prorated down to per segments
- Bracing vs. knockback - Assumed vs all expected attacks
Takes 1/2 phase. Flight abrades per hit.
Ground may give way. Simple rule: Def/2 * Body
If knocked back due to ground destruction, Breakfall +5 or dex roll
if no breakfall
- Multi Attacks -
Special effects must agree.
Two attacks from the same framework are feasible.
-1 * (number of attacks - 1) OCV on all attacks.
Minimum of 1 end per attack (Even with Charges, 0 End, etc...)
- Rapid Attack and other such skills are under review.
Here's some agent equipment: Note the guns are pretty nasty by
normal campaign limits. Of course, with a x3 Stun mod, bullets
are easier to ignore for bricks.
Powered Suit: Not seen yet in game.
- 3d6 PRKA, +1 Stun, -1/3", 20 autofire, 2400 rnds, 30 str, +4 OCV
- Def: 20 -> use higher of passenger or suit, hard
- Top stats: 7" Running, 35 STR, 20 Dex, 4 SPD
- Cannon: 5d6 RKA, explosion, +1 Area, No airburst
- Jumpjet: Superleap 25" - 5 end, 25 end bat
Typical agent rifles:
- 2d6 PRKA, +1 Stun, 60 shots, 3, 10, 20 shot, +0, +2, +4 OCV
- LZR 2d6 ERKA AP, -1 Stun, -1/9", 10 auto, 300 shots, 10 STR
Typical agent pistols:
- 2d6 PRKA, +1 Stun, 10 shots
- LZR 2d6 ERKA AP, -1 Stun, -1/5", 30 shots, 1-3 shot, 5 STR
Agent Suits: 8/8 hard res. What the typical agent expecting trouble wears.
Champs Index